Tips for Pigmentation Treatment

Tips for Pigmentation Treatment

Human skin contains cells that produce melanin. This is a pigment that is found in the eyes, hair, and skin. A lot of melanin results in hyperpigmented skin. Some examples of it include age spots and freckles. It can also be caused by trauma, sun exposure, a medical condition, or using certain drugs. Although this is not a severe medical condition, you may need to seek it for cosmetic reasons.

Determining the Cause

beautiful faceIt is vital that you know the various types of hyperpigmentation. You should be familiar with all types of hyperpigmentation that can help you determine the appropriate course of treatment. Also, you should learn some ideas to change your lifestyle to prevent further discoloration. You should note that hyperpigmentation not only occurs on the face. Melasma is the common pigmentation that is caused by fluctuations of hormones.

Consult a Dermatologist

It is advisable to see a dermatologist to find out what causes your hyperpigmentation and to know its type. The doctor will ask you questions pertaining to your medical history and lifestyle. Also, the skin may be magnified using a magnifying lamp. You should expect the dermatologist to ask you questions that help him or her determine the appropriate treatment to provide.

Seek Treatment

You should get a topical application that contains retinoids and hydroxyl acids. These compounds are vital in rejuvenating and exfoliating the skin. Moreover, they are helpful in treating all types of hyperpigmentation. The common topical applications you can get include kojic acid, mandelic acid, hydroquinone, and azelaic acid.

It is advisable to get a professional procedure. There are many clinics that provide non-invasive treatments. However, you should only seek these services if the topical treatments do not work. Some of the treatments you can get include salicylic acid peels, intense pulsed light therapy, and laser skin resurfacing.

Microdermabrasion Treatment

girl and mirrorYou should not visit a professional salon for this treatment. It is a popular option for persons with hyperpigmentation. Remember that abrading the skin can result in irritation and even make discoloration worse. Therefore, this procedure must be done by an expert. Also, you should not undertake this procedure several times as the skin requires time to heal.

Over-the-Counter Medications

Some medications found in the local drug store can help reduce hyperpigmentation. For instance, you can use some skin lightening creams. These creams work by removing the existing melanin and also slowing down its production.…