How to Tighten Your Vagina Naturally

How to Tighten Your Vagina Naturally

When you get into marriage the first days seem to be great. That is because they consist of lots of romantic dates and romance. Your man can do anything to make you happy. However, if you fail to take care of your health, then your happiness may not last long. That is the case when it comes to sexual health.

At first, sex is smooth, fun, and lots of pleasure. However, after a given point, your vagina will become loose. A loose vagina is a common problem affecting most women. Although you may want to resolve this problem, it can be quite challenging. Studies have shown that women with a loose vagina suffer from self-esteem and low confidence. Therefore, vaginal rejuvenation is necessary. These are tips to help you.

Follow a Strict Diet

This is the first thing to do when tightening your vagina. You need to follow a proper diet. When you change your habits, this can make a huge difference to the overall health. The pelvic floor can become quite stronger with the diet. It is advisable to consider getting foods that contain estrogens like carrots, apples, berries, and soybeans.

Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises offer a popular way of tightening the vagina. The exercises are also helpful to women that face the problem. Since the pelvic floor consists of muscles, by strengthening them, you make your vagina tighter. When doing this exercise, you need to first find the pelvic muscles. You can do this while urinating.


woman exercisingYou have probably heard about yoga and how it can help you tighten your vagina. In fact, yoga is the most effective method for both physical and mental reasons. It is advisable to practice yoga routinely to help tighten the vaginal muscles. Certain yoga poses have proven to be effective at this. Also, deep breathing can make a difference.

Pelvic Stretch

This exercise is meant to strengthen your pelvic muscles. You should note that it is quite easy to do the stretch. Make sure you bend towards the ankles and then spread the arms. The truth is that this exercise is quite effective at tightening the vagina and strengthening the vaginal muscles.

Other than these exercises, there are also vaginal tightening creams you find online. Some of the gels have been effective. However, you should only use these creams after consulting your doctor. Also, consider those that are made of natural ingredients.…